Machine Learning and Quantum Computing for Quantum Molecular Dynamics (MLQCDyn)

Sept. 5 – 9, 2022, CECAM-FR-MOSER
The Machine Learning and Quantum Computing for Quantum Molecular Dynamics [MLQCDyn] school aims at offering state-of-the-art training in quantum molecular dynamics (QMD), machine learning (ML), and quantum computing (QC) to early-stage scientists, including PhD and postdoctoral researchers coming mainly from the molecular dynamics community. The MLQCDyn school is meant to be part of a Thematic Program of the Pascal Institute of the University Paris-Saclay that will span a total of 4 weeks and will be dedicated to the discussion of the implications of machine learning and quantum computing in the field of quantum molecular dynamics (funding for the thematic program has already been approved). The MLQCDyn school will open the Thematic Program, and some of the participants in the school (lecturers and students) will also remain for one or more of the following weeks. Such an event will strengthen the collaboration between Pascal Institute and the CECAM.
- Mario Barbatti (Aix Marseille University)
- Pavlo O. Dral (Xiamen University)
- Majdi Hochlaf (Université Gustave Eiffel)
- Artur Izmaylov (University of Toronto)
- Dario Rocca (QC Ware Corp.)
- Julia Maria Westermayr (University of Warwick)
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