Symposium on Machine Learning in Quantum Chemistry 2021 (SMLQC-2021) has been a huge success with many great talks and discussions, chats after talks, and poster sessions! This success has prompted us to continue and expand this kind of events on request and suggestions of many participants. We will have biweekly online talks on the topic of machine learning in quantum chemistry and biannual symposia. The next edition SMLQC-2023 will be held in Uppsala, Sweden.
We have had three days filled with exciting talks by inspiring speakers presenting their work on machine learning in quantum chemistry research. In addition, I am very thankful to the speakers for hanging around after their session was over and chatting with the attendees in the breakout rooms. I definitely enjoyed this informal part of the symposium as I could see and talk so many good friends of mine like in in-person conference, and, equally importantly, meet so many new people. This sentiment is shared by many participants and as a result we have got many requests and suggestions to continue with this kind of events.
Particularly impressive was enthusiastic engagement of Prof. Roland Lindh from Uppsala University, who really deserves a badge of honor for staying around for the whole events despite a 7-hour time-zone difference! His generous offer to host the next edition SMLQC-2023 in Uppsala is greatly appreciated. I will post updates here, on Facebook via group Machine learning in chemistry, and on Twitter. I hope to see you at SMLQC-2023 in person in ca. 24 months! We plan to hold SMLQC biannually in different regions of the world.

You do not need to wait another two years though, and can also join our biweekly online talks on the topic of machine learning in quantum chemistry. The talks are planned to be recorded and openly posted online. I will post updates on this soon too.
Finally, I personally would like to thank all the co-organizers and helping hands, who worked very hard overtime at late night, in the early mornings and the weekends to make the event possible and enjoyable.